Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Niagara Falls....even more amazing!

The last time we visited Niagara Falls, we were blown over but, this time....WOW !!! Forgot how amazing all this water looks.

Horseshoe Falls
American Falls from the side

American Falls from the other side....and a rainbow!

We were staying at a KOA in Pennsylvania the night before and wanted to get here before the crowds. Our alarm went off at 4am !! We had packed up the night before so all we had to do was pull in the slides, start the engine and go. It was only about 85 miles to the Falls, Parking Lot 3. No one was around and we got in there before anyone (see map below and yellow circle for parking lot).

There are many terrific viewing spots and walking paths around the park so we took the one that went along the Niagara River on towards the American Falls.
Green line is our 3 mile walk to see all the falls

The water was really rushing by in its way over the cliff.

Katie looks does Daddy

Ahhhh,,,,kiss, kiss

Water about to go over the American Falls

We could stand right next to it!

...and over it goes...
This is a view from the other side of American Falls

You get so close, it's a bit scary watching that water going over

You can see the boat, Maid of the Mist, in there near Horseshoe Falls.

Everyone wears these blue raincoats...for obvious reasons. We did not do the boat this time.
People tell us that the view from the Canada side is better. I believe but we had no passports to get back into the States.

Aerial from the Canada side showing American Falls to the left and Horseshoe to the right

Here's what the American Falls look like from Canada. Notice the Maid of the Mist in the foreground.

Selfie....check out dad's new haircut....I asked for short but...really?
Just threw this in because I love taking closeups of flowers.
After we got through here, we drove another 250 miles to our RV spot in upper New York state for a couple of days before heading into Vermont for three weeks.

See you then!



  1. Canadian side is more awesome. I wonder if those high-rise office buildings gets a view of the falls.

  2. We loved our day at Niagara Falls last summer- we stayed late and the falls were all lit up and there were fireworks from the Canadian side! How was getting OUT of the parking lot? Was it pretty full when you left? We left our RV in West Virginia and drove up from there in our car!

  3. I don't know why it published as Unknown... that comment was me! :)

    1. Got it....where are you guys now in your travels?

  4. Niagara Falls is on my bucket list. I love travelling vicarious with you! Your cousin, Robin

  5. I love to enjoy my evening time there and will enjoy charming views there during my bus trip to niagara falls from nyc.



 Those initials are for the next part of our summer journey. Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah. We are in Soap Lake, Washington for 2 weeks ...