While our landscaping was being put in around our house, we decided to get outa town with our coach for a few days so we headed up to Moose Crossing RV Park hoping to see a moose. We spent many, many weeks up in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine and saw many "Moose Crossing" signs, cutouts, advertisements, etc....but NEVER saw an actual Moose sooo....off we went again.
The owner of the park, a terrific guy, told us he'd seen one nearby the week before so we were hopeful....alas....nothing.
This is all we saw of a Moose. |
But....the views and surrounding scenery were fabulous. We did not take our car, just the coach so we sat in one place for three days relaxing, drawing, talking, reading, walking, and napping.
View from our site. |
looking SW down the valley |
Here you can see the valley we stayed in. |
Here's the park in relation to Yellowstone to the right (east) and Boise to the left (west). |
Small church in the morning light |
The Idaho state bird, Mountain Bluebird....gorgeous blue coloring |
The back of our coach looking NE |
The mountain the far left is Mt. McCaleb. |
We took a walk but encountered a flooded stream, so I dragged a bunch of nearby planks and made us a bridge to walk over. |
We always take photos of flowers. |
This is a weed, even though it's beautiful. |
The Cottonwood trees were putting out their "snow". |
Looking up the valley while on our morning walk. |
Taking photos of hawks while they're flying is tricky. I haven't ID's this one yet. |
This is where I ran in the morning. You can see the valley on both sides here. |
Katie liked the view also....and the long walks. |

Pen and Ink drawing of the mountains to the east. |
Stunning Cedar Waxwing....love the "mask" |
We were told there were some lovely sunsets...this is the only one we got...on our last night. |
I very nice stay.
Next entry will be a short one from Hagerman, Idaho where they discovered the Hagerman Horse...