Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo....

Thanks to Paul Simon for the title of this post.

We've been in Indiana, across the Ohio River from Louisville, for a few days visiting our son and we took him to the Louisville Zoo the other day. We LOVE zoos. So...how 'bout some animal pics !?

Sad looking Rhino....there was a sign that they were being medically treated. They are SO huge.

This is a Bongo.
Bongos usually run with their heads thrown back and their horns parallel to their back. This streamlining effect parts the bushes while they run and allows the foliage to spring back, making tracking the bongo almost impossible.
This Bongo had crossed horns.

...had to take this photo of the camel.

They had 4 giraffes. A momma and her new baby were inside and two outside. 

Some giraffe skin closeup.

This is much different than the one above. What a fascinating pattern.

Looks like our cats.

Amazing, amazing stripes.


Our boy, Philip, showing the difference between him and a large gorilla.

Gorilla hand prints. Kim is on the right, Philip is on the left.

Snowy Owl

They had a fine mesh in front of the cage with a few small cutouts so we could take photos.

Hello? Did anyone say "feeding time"?

Never got this shot before.
LOTS of animals...although I think there were more baby strollers than people and animals combined. We went on a Saturday with wonderful weather.

Hope you enjoyed the zoo !

Steve and Kim

Here's some great reference material...




 Those initials are for the next part of our summer journey. Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah. We are in Soap Lake, Washington for 2 weeks ...