This post is all about everything-milk...mostly old, glass milk bottles.
We were staying in southern New Hampshire at Field & Stream RV in Brookline for a few days (nice place) and decided to do some antique shopping. We went to one of those antique malls where there were LOTS of expensive, old pieces. In the back however, were some more conventional items. One of the shelves had old glass milk bottles.
Now, for a little history: Kim has been looking for years for a special cream-top milk bottle from her childhood days. We saw a few of them but not quite the one she was looking for. I asked the lady at the store if she knew of others. She responded by giving me the name and phone number of the fellow that had a huge collection. His name is Jim George and his Dad the original collection called
The Ernie George Collection.
I called him, told him Kim was looking for a creme-top bottle from New York. We arranged to come by his house at noon the next day to view his collection. Jim was kind enough to have gone through his bottles and pull out a number of them from New York for Kim to view.
This is the bottle Kim decided to buy. You can tell from her happy face that she's finally found The One. |
He then took us into his collection room to view his, over 6,000, milk bottle collection!
Jim...with a few of his collection. Notice all the other milk paraphernalia around the room. |
These are larger bottles. The ones with the larger mouth were for creme. |
As Jim told us, brown milk bottles were never big sellers. "People want to be able to see their white milk", he explained. |
Look at all the metal milk carriers hanging from the ceiling. Do any of you remember the milk man delivering milk like this? |
Jim pointing out one of his favorite features on the bottles: the graphics, especially multi-colored. |
This is a blanket to put over the metal milk container in the winter to keep the milk from freezing. Who knew there was such an item? |
Like we said....everything Milk ! |
This was his Dad's license plate on the car he drove: MILKS |
More milk items. A dairy lovers delight. |
A final look at the winning bottle ! |
Thanks to Jim George for taking over an hour of his time to show off his (and his Dad's) bottle collection and find one for Kim.
Steve and Kim