Monday, February 11, 2013

Swamp in a Canoe!

One last trip to the swamp before we headed west and south to Texas....this time in a canoe!

one of the many duckblinds out in the lake. We are here two weeks after duck season closed. Good thing...we might've been mistaken for the grandaddy-of-all-ducks!

Spanish Moss everywhere!
It's winter so the gators are mostly hibernating but we did see this one sunning on a log.

To the left of the angled wood in the water, in the far distance is the gator... 

...closer...he's (she's) right about the log in the water, almost even with Kim's brim.

...middle from right to left and off center a tad from top to bottom...about a 5-6 footer.

I spotted him as we approached from the other direction. I told Kim where it was located on the large log above the water. "Where?", she replied. Then, all of a sudden, her whole body went stiff . "I think she just spotted it", I thought. "Whoa", was all she could say...and then..."We can go now!"

Pretty cool to be right out in the swamp poking around and then, to come across a gator....terrific.

See you next in Texas!

Kim and Steve

Florida, Alabama, Louisiana

We left Florida April 19th on our latest trip, this one going out west for the summer/early fall. This is going to be 6-7 months of adventur...